Analytics for July 2016
Analytics for July 2016
In July 2016 168 transactions with corporate securities (387,310,000 soms) and 1 transaction with housing certificates (2.00 mln. soms) were registered in the trade system of CJSC “Kyrgyz Stock Exchange. Totally 169 transactions of 34 companies with total amount of 389.32 million soms were conducted. Relatively to the June, trading volume decreased by 38.88% (247.63 million soms). The leader in trading volume was the trade with the shares of CJSC “UBG Invest” (30.8% of the total trading volume of current months) as a result of 9 trades amounting to 119,870,000 soms.
Primary market
In the primary market for the period 7 companies carried out IPO, 2 of them carried out bonds, 4 – shares, 1 – housing certificates. As a result, 35 transactions were registered, including 27 transactions with corporate bonds, 5 transactions with shares and 1 transaction with housing certificates for amount of 128.39 million soms. With the biggest volume 1 trade on allocation shares of JSC “RSK Bank” in the amount of 104.94 million soms was registered, which is 81.7% of the total volume of transactions in the primary market sector. JSC “Kantskiy PMK №1» also made public offering in the amount of 0.61 million 1.68 soms per item. This week JSC “Capital Bank Central Asia” sold 6000 shares amounting to 0.30 mln. soms for 50 soms per item. JSC “Kerege” (Bishkek) sold 19,354 shares at price 20 soms per item for a total amount of 0.39 million soms. 2 companies made IPO with Corporate bonds in the primary market sector: JSC Trading House “Min Turkun” issued 4519 bonds at a price of 1 000 soms for the sum of 4.52 million soms. JSC Microfinance Company “Salym Finance” isseud 15,629 items for the price of 1 000 soms, in total of 15.63 million soms. There is ongoing issue of the LLC “AIO Kurulush” housing certificates. 48 items that cost 41,866.3 per item KGS in the amount of 2.00 million soms were issued.
Secondary market
On the secondary market for the month of July 142 transactions in the amount of 260.93 million soms were registered. There were 27 transactions of companies with corporate shares and 2 companies with corporate bonds. The bulk of the sector belongs to large transactions with securities of 4 companies: 3 transactions are recorded with shares of JSC “Insurance company AIO guarantor” in the amount of 62.78 million soms 1 000 soms per item;. 10 trades with common shares of OJSC “FinanceCreditBank CC” in the amount of 74.55 million soms, the average cost was 0.3 soms.; 1 trade with bonds of LLC “1st Metallobaza first” in the amount of 20.35 million soms for the price of 5 000 soms.; 9 transactions were registered with shares of CJSC “UBG Invest” in the amount of 119.87 million soms 1 000 soms per share.
Information on trading in the Company “KSE” in August, 2015.
In August, 2015 in the trade system of CJSC “Kyrgyz Stock Exchange” was registered 115 deals with corporate securities totaling 102.70 million soms. Regarding the July trading volume declined by 57.49% (138.87 million soms), mainly as a result of reducing the volume of trading in shares and bonds on the secondary market. The leaders in trading volume appeared transactions with shares (97.15% of total trading volume of the month), mainly as a result of one transaction on placement of ordinary shares of JSC “Kyrgyzkommertsbank” held at the end of the month, which also took the main share trades considered period.
Primary market
In the primary market in August it registered only 1 transaction on placement of common shares of the eighth additional issue of JSC “Kyrgyzkommertsbank.” The decision on the additional issue of the company’s shareholders was taken June 1, and the total placement volume amounted to 98.92 million soms at the price of 500 soms per share. This transaction is a transaction of the month in terms of trading, taking 96.32% of the period.
Secondary market
In August, the secondary market has not scored an active player, the reduction in trading volume compared to July amounted to 98.43% as shares (-99.64%) and bonds (-44.06%) companies. Total secondary market for the month was recorded 114 deals amounting to 3.78 million soms, while transactions in bonds held in the amount of 2.92 million soms, the remaining share of the trading volume, “secondary housing” have taken the deal with the shares.
During the month were recorded transactions with common shares of 24 companies with the highest volume of which deals with securities of “Altyn Talas”, the total amount of trading was 0.39 million som, and the average share price of the company is fixed at 61.08 soms . Also, at the higher volume it may be noted one deal in common shares of JSC “Bishkek meat-packing plant” in the amount of 0.19 million soms. The smaller the volume of transactions carried out with the shares of such companies as JSC “ZUM-Holding”, OAO PSF “Bishkekkurulush”, OAO “Auto Repair Plant”, OJSC “Aigul”, JSC “Kyrgyzavtomash” of “machine-station” and others.
With stocks stratkompany past month recorded only 6 transactions, including shares of “Vostokelektro”, JSC “Sever”, OJSC “Electric stations” and JSC “International airport Manas”, the total trading volume of transactions with the shares of the companies amounted to 0.08 million. Som.
With the names of the bonds in the secondary market section was carried out 28 transactions, with the highest volume of transactions recorded with bonds of LLC “Ayu”, the amount of trading that totaled 1.71 million soms, followed by deals with bonds of LLC “Company Roskazmet” in the amount of 1.09 million soms, CJSC “Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank” in the amount of 0.10 million soms, and LLC “First Metal” with the amount of trading of 0.02 million soms.