Analytics for February 2017
Analytics for February 2017.
In February this year on the trading floor of Kyrgyz stock exchange was 136 transactions in the total volume of 253,1 million soms with the securities of 17 companies.
In the primary market offering of securities conducted 4 companies-issuers of corporate bonds. There were 58 deals for a total amount of 73.7 million kgs.
Trading volume on the secondary market in February totaled 179,3 million soms, there were 78 deals. 97% of the trading volume in the secondary market took the deal with ordinary shares of listed companies, OAO “UBG” invest the amount of trading which amounted to 174.8 million soms, the stock price for 1000 kgs.
In February registered transactions in common shares of OJSC “Mayak” at a price of 8 kgs per piece in the amount of 2.3 million soms and corporate bonds of CJSC “Kyrgyz investment and credit Bank” at the price of par value in the amount of 1 million soms.
34 deals amounting to 0.4 million som was in common shares of strathspey JSC “Bishkekteploset”, JSC “Kyrgyztelecom”, OJSC “Manas international airport”, OJSC “Electric stations” and JSC “national electric network of Kyrgyzstan”.
0.5 million, catfish was the deals with common shares of JSC “Financial company of credit unions”, were also recorded transactions with common and preferred shares of JSC “TSUM Aichurek” at the price of 50 som per share.
The total trading volume of listed securities in February amounted to 250 million soms.
It deals with common shares of JSC “UBG invest”, JSC “Bishkekteploset”, OJSC “Kyrgyztelecom”, JSC “Manas international airport” and JSC “Electric stations” the total amount of trading was $ 175,3 million soms. Deals amounting to 74.7 million soms conducted with corporate bonds of CJSC “Kyrgyz investment and credit Bank”(46млн.com), JSC Microfinance company “Salym Finance”(2.4 million kgs), JSC Trading house “Min Turkun”(12.7 million soms) and LLC “Ayu”(13.6 million som)