Trading information for the period from 19 to 23 June 2017.
Trading volume last week increased by 88% reaching 827,3 million soms, in total there were 20 transactions with securities of 10 companies. The rapid growth in trading volume is associated with the placement of additional issues of shares of some commercial banks, including two state, the total volume of placement made 834,5 million soms.
In the primary market was registered on 12 transactions with securities of 5 companies totaling 837,0 thousand som, of which 4 are banks, which have placed additional issues in the framework of the Annual General meeting of shareholders decisions on increasing the share capital.
The large volume of the placement was carried out OJSC “Kyrgyzkramdsbank” in the amount of 565,1 million kgs, more than 1 million shares of the 11th issue was placed by closed at a price of 500 kgs for instance, as a result of the transactions Bank’s share capital increased to 1 billion soms.
State banks OJSC “Aiyl Bank” OJSC “RSK Bank” has posted 11 and 15 additional issues of shares, respectively, OJSC “Aiyl Bank” in the amount of 161.3 million soms OJSC “RSK Bank” in the amount of 80.3 million soms. A shareholder of the Bank is the state represented by the Fund for state property management.
Stock 14th issue of OJSC “DOS – Kredobank”. according to the information of the Bank is 100 million soms for last week posted in the amount of 27, 8 mln som in nominal value of 1 000 kgs per copy.
In the sector of secondary trading in the company held a total of 8 transactions totaling $ 0.3 million kgs. 76% of trading volume in the secondary market took the deal with bonds of LLC “Ayu” in the amount of 0.1 million som and JSC IFC “Salym Finance” in the amount of 0.06 million soms. The company’s bonds were trading at prices above par, the cost of “Ayu” is fixed at 1 043, 75 kgs. “Salym Finance” at 1 004,50 som . The remaining 6 deals made in common shares of OJSC “Optima Bank” and JSC “TSUM Aichurek” in the amount of 0.06 million som, which shares the “Optima Bank” increased in price to 121.25 som (+a total of 81.25 C), and shares “Cum” remained at the same price level, which is equal to 50 kgs.
29% fixed during the week deals were made in listed securities, among them 6 transactions with shares of JSC “Aiyl Bank” OJSC “RSK Bank”, and OJSC “Optima Bank” for a total of 241.7 million soms, and 8 transactions in corporate bonds of JSC trading house “Min Turkun”, LLC “Ayu” and JSC IFC “Salym Finance” for a total amount of 2.7 million soms. The total volume of trades in listed securities for the week amounted to 244,4 million soms.