Review KSE trading from 4 April to 8 April 2016

The corporate securities market.

On KSE trading system in the last week recorded 12 deals worth 4.02 million soms with the number of securities of 3365 copies. Regarding the previous period, the total trading volume decreased by 89.55%, mainly as a result of reduction of corporate securities in the secondary market section. It was carried out a major transaction with atsiyami of “Ayu Kurulush”, followed by corporate bonds and equities.

 The primary and secondary market.

On the primary market for the week was held 6 transactions in the amount of 2, 99 million. Som securities 3 companies. With the highest volume recorded one transaction on placement of housing certificates of LLC “Ayu Kurulush” in the amount of 2.31 mln. Soms, which accounted for 77.21% of the primary market. Certificates are available in quantity of 57 copies at a price of 40 KGS 470.4.

Three deals were registered for placement of corporate bonds of the first issue Microfinance Company “Salym Finance”, this week it sold 459 bonds at the price of 1000 soms for the amount of 0.46 million. Som. Continued occupancy of 22% corporate bonds of JSC Trading House “Ming Turkun”. Total sales were 222 copies for the price of 1000 soms.