Information about the auction from 20 to 24 February 2017.
The volume of trading KSE in February 2017, amounted to 10.1 million soms conducted 28 transactions in securities 8 companies.
Conducted one deal with bonds of CJSC “Kyrgyz investment and credit Bank” in the amount of 1.0 million soms. The placement of corporate bonds in the primary market, and 2 companies: JSC Microfinance company “Salym Finance” and JSC Trading house “Min Turkun”, the aggregate volume of trading of the primary market amounted to 8.4 million soms.
Placed bonds of the first issue of the Trading house “Min Turkun” in the amount of 7.3 million soms.
Transactions in common and preferred shares of JSC “TSUM Aichurek”, sotail 0.03 million kgs at the price of 50 som per share. Securities of OJSC “Kyrgyztelecom” JSC “Manas international airport” held 7 transactions, 6 of which in the amount of 0.07 million som shares “Telecom” for the price of 4 catfish,and 1 deal with the shares of “MOM” in the amount of 0.1 million kgs at the price of 70 soms per copy.
Sector listing
The total amount of trading securities of listed companies amounted to 9.6 million soms. All listed securities was 20 transactions, 13 of which bonds of the JSC “Kyrgyztelecom” JSC “Manas international airport” for a total amount of 1.19 million soms.
Index and capitalization
As of February 24, the KSE index was at the level of 486,17 points, having decreased concerning level of closing of the trades of the previous period by 1.04 points. A negative impact on the Index had a ordinary shares of OJSC “Manas international airport”, which as a result of this transaction decreased in price 1.30 kgs. Market capitalization of listed companies has decreased by 0.03 billion soms, amounting to 16,94 billion soms.