Тrading information for the period from 10 to 13 may 2017.

The corporate securities market

Over the past period, the volume of trading amounted to 10.4 million soms, having decreased by 97%, there were 14 transactions in securities of 6 companies, the largest share of which is represented by shares. The reduction in trading volume was observed in all sectors, in particular as a result of lower volume of placement of shares on primary market volume decreased by 99%, in the sector of trading in the secondary market the reduction of trading volume in shares of companies amounted to 73%. Ended a positive week for bonds whose transactions were recorded in the primary market.

In the sector of primary floatation registered only transaction for the sale of corporate bonds of the second issue of OJSC IFF “Salym Finance”, only 753 were placed 2 bonds for a price of 1,000 kgs for a total amount of 2.8 million kgs respectively. The amount of the bond companies increased by 57%.

In the sector of the secondary market carried out 6 transactions for the sum of 7.6 million kgs. 97% of the sector took 1 transaction with common shares of JSC “UBG invest” in the amount of 7.4 million soms, the stock price for the transaction amounted to 1000 kgs. 1 deal in the sector was in common shares of OJSC “Kyrgyztelecom” in the amount of 0.01 million soms, the company’s share price has not changed and amounted to 4 catfish for instance. The leader of the fall in the value of the week were ordinary shares of OJSC “Osh KICK”, which according to the results of conducted transactions dropped in price to 10 som (about -2.5 C.) 1 deal in the sector made in common shares of OJSC “Financial company of credit unions” in the amount of 0.2 million soms for the price of 1 som per share, relative to previous trades, the share price has not changed.

Sector listing

Of the total trading volume of the share over 97% occupied transactions with securities of the listed company, among which 1 deal with simple akciemi JSC “UBG” invest the amount of trading 7.4 million kgs, 1 deal with ordinary shares of JSC “Kyrgyztelecom”, the transaction amount 0.01 million kgs and 1 deal submitted bonds of JSC IFC “Salym Finance” in the amount of 2.7 million soms.